Tuesday, 23 December 2008

Sunnah - The practices of the Holy Prophet (SWS)

We are starting a separate listing of some of the well known and not so well known Sunnah (practices of the Holy Prophet Muhammad [SWS]) in a heading called 'Sunnah Practices' for people who would like to take the blessing and benefit of practicing these valuable, and much over looked, practices in these modern times.

The first one was emailed by Baji Shenaz, via Syed Khalid Hussain, about the order of cutting nails.

Sheikh Nazim recommends to cut nails on Monday & Thursdays and preferably before sunset. The clippings should also be buried in the earth for the best benefit.

If you know of any Sunnah, from both strong and weaker Hadith, which you think will benefit others please leave a comment below.



Sufi Zikr


Thursday, 18 December 2008

Sufi Meditation (Zikr) - Thursday - 18 December 2008

Mashallah, Mashallah, Mashallah! Alhamdulillah it was such a good feeling to see and with old friends, Haji Uncle Saeed (who also came back from Hajj recently) and especially brother Aslam and sister Shenaz - who support this Zikr gathering every week. Thank you to all the brothers from East London who came to attend especially for this evening's Zikr.

Thank you to everyone who attended tonight. It was nice to speak to brother Ali, from Turkey, who found us from Meetup.com and it was his first Zikr in London. There was a quite a gathering tonight (see photos) with special un-announced guest Sidi Abdullah Trevathan (of the Retreat Series shown on BBC 2 and of the Qadiri Bushishi Tariqa) who blessed us with his presence.
Sheikh Mikail lead a heartfelt, deep and immersive connecting Zikr tonight with the blessings of our Sheikh, Sheikh Nazim Al-Haqqani. Very hard to translate the feeling - you have to attend to experience it. It was also very nice to see and hear sheikh Jaffar's dua, who normally attends the Zikr at St.Anne's, Sheikh Nazim's Dergah in Seven Sisters.

Apologies for the two guests that came in earlier, as sister Hina arrived, but left shortly after the prayers were completed. I am sorry no one explained to you the proceedings and schedule. We need to arrange some sort message for visitors to inform of them of the programme of events in the evening which they can read and not think we are being rude by not speaking whilst praying.
If anyone sees anyone new or unfamiliar at the Zikr, please, please make them feel welcome and explain to them the schedule of events for the evening. They are generally, prayer first, then Zikr and ending with food. Pretty simple really people, so don't be shy!

Sister Shenaz has suggested to make the Zikr available via webcam so we are investigating this for next week inshallah. We will need help from Uncle Amjud inshallah.

Of course, not forgetting Auntie Farida (Mashallah, who came back from Hajj - Jazakhallah for all your prayers Auntie for everyone), Rahil and family for providing all the food and cake - it was, as usual, great chicken curry with rice and delicious cake (not as good as Yamin's Paul of course!).
Inshallah, we will see everyone for a special, special Zikr on Christmas Day evening and celebrate and give thanks for a very timely Zikr on such a remembered day.

BTW, salaams to everyone who couldn't attend or was travelling (brother Galib-we missed you tonight - especially Mother!) and hope brother Yamin gets better soon. Yamin, you need looking after Yamin!



Sufi Zikr


Thursday, 11 December 2008

Sufi Zikr Meditation - Thursday - 11 December 2008

Thank you to everyone that attended tonight and it was very nice to see both familiar and new faces. It was a cold 4 degrees this evening but we still had a very good turn out so thank you to everyone for making a special effort because you could've stayed in doors watching the telly!

Alhamdulillah, the Zikr was very rewarding and intense in parts and we all benefited from the blessings of brother Nadeem leading the Zikr and Abdul Hakim making the journey from south London. The short naats at the end are always sweet by brother Nadeem.

We hope both Bashir and Jennifer enjoyed their first Sufi Zikr Meditation session and appreciate any comments you have by clicking comments below. Everyone that visited the first time today we didn't get a chance to speak to is also welcome any Thursday evening.

Jazakhallah to brother Rahil for the delicious food (also brother Yamin for dishing out the food and his 'consultancy' eloquence too) and we missed brothers Galib & Omar who didn't make it today due to travelling and probably working late.

Inshallah, we shall see both brother Aslam and baji Shenaz next week as they should be touching down this week.

Salaams and see you all next week.


Sufi Zikr


Monday, 8 December 2008

Eid Mubarak - Eid Ul-Adha

Eid Mubarak to everyone!

May Allah Almighty forgive, bless and reward us all for keeping the day of Eid in the best manner & bless us all here and hereafter with health, happiness, protection and sustenance from His Divine Mercy & Generosity.



Sufi Zikr