Tuesday, 23 December 2008

Sunnah - The practices of the Holy Prophet (SWS)

We are starting a separate listing of some of the well known and not so well known Sunnah (practices of the Holy Prophet Muhammad [SWS]) in a heading called 'Sunnah Practices' for people who would like to take the blessing and benefit of practicing these valuable, and much over looked, practices in these modern times.

The first one was emailed by Baji Shenaz, via Syed Khalid Hussain, about the order of cutting nails.

Sheikh Nazim recommends to cut nails on Monday & Thursdays and preferably before sunset. The clippings should also be buried in the earth for the best benefit.

If you know of any Sunnah, from both strong and weaker Hadith, which you think will benefit others please leave a comment below.



Sufi Zikr

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