Tuesday, 25 August 2009

Khatm for Grand Sheikh Abdullah Ad-Dagestani


As Salaam Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatuh

Mashallah & May Allah Almighty bless and reward, here and hereafter, everyone that took part across the world for Grand Sheikh Abdullah Faiz Ad-Dagestani's URS (4th Ramadhan) Khatm.

Mashallah many thanks to brother Sajad who was instrumental in helping getting the word out for this Khatm (and others to come too!).

Khatm Total: Tuesday 25th- August 4.41pm - GMT

1,172,711 -Kalima

893,700 - Salawat
296 - Yasin

1341 - Ikhlaas Shareef

800 - Shahadah

4 - Dalail Khayrat

100s of Surah Fatiha

also many Juz's from Quran -Also other Dhikr of Allah, Bismillah, has
also been read too,

We are fortunate to have the opportunity to remember Allah Almighty in this Holy month of Ramadhan and He has given his endless Mercy through His Holy Rememberance to benefit everyone.

We have relayed this message to Cyprus and Inshallah wait for a response.

There will be other Khatms following Inshallah and this will be posted shortly.



Sufi Zikr

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