Friday, 27 June 2008

Zikr - Sufi Meditation Night - 26 June 2008

Alhamdulillah we had a resonating Zikr last night and it was so nice to see old faces attending and a few new ones!

Mashallah to brother Yunus who saw Sheikh Nazim's video online about inviting people to Zikr in the London area and came down from Oxford to attend - hope you got your coach back safely. Thank you Dawud for making the trip across town again.

Zafar and Nasir! you must come more often Inshallah (also Bekir - can someone bring some yoghurt next week?) as we miss your holy presences!

Jazakhallah khayr to aunties and Yamin for bringing food - what happened to Rahil bhai and auntie?

As always jazakhallah to brother Nadeem and Naheed coming from Slough to lead the Zikr.

A few people were away this week due to travelling so inshallah numbers will beup again next week. Let's see Inshallah if we can get them as many as last week (almost 40!).

Salaams & Juma Mubarek to all


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