Tuesday, 1 July 2008

Sheikh Nazim Encourages Zikr Groups in UK to Meet

As Salaam Alaikum All

Whilst in Cyprus (9-11 June 2008), we asked Sheikh Nazim if we should try and bring together all Zikr groups from around the UK for a bi-monthly Naqshbandi Group Zikr. We did not get a definitive answer we could record on our MP3.

The German Mureeds have for a number of years been holding a large Zikr and Associations the first Saturday of each month. It can't be easy and it must take everyones joint effort to make it happen but they do.

The question has to be why do we, as groups in the UK, find it so hard to even meet as a group at all? People only come together when we have visitors but if we call ourselves mureeds should we not try and make our Sheikh happy and meet even once every 3 months as a whole group? Isn't the Naqshbandi Sufi Order based upon coming together and association?

We will be asking Sheikh Nazim again for a message to encourage people of UK to come together for a Group Naqshbandi Zikr inshallah when visiting Sheikh Nazim in July and Inshallah we will post a special audio message for all mureeds to listen and act upon.

Surely, if we came together collectively, even once every 3 months, we would have an opportunity to call and invite others, muslim and non-muslim alike to try and remember the Creator?



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