Thursday, 31 July 2008

Sufi Meditation Zikr 31 July 2008

As Salaam Alaikum to All

Alhamdulillah we were honoured to be within the last Zikr in the month of Rajab.

Welcome to all new people that attended and we will inshallah see you soon again.

Brother Rahil & Family did another amazing job providing excellent food for all so Jazakhallah from us all and may Allah Almighty Reward you all here and hereafter.

Jazakhallah again for brothers Nadeem, Sajad and Naheed for making the trip from Slough to lead and making dua for the Zikr.

Inshallah, tomorrow is the last day of Rajab with another blessful month on the horizon of Shaban, the Prophet's (SWS) month, and is a great opportunity to find favour, forgiveness and blessings for the sake of the most beloved in creation Sayyidina Muhammad (SWS) by giving and making Salawat Sharif as many times as possible.

Inshallah see you all next week, same time, same place.

May Allah Almighty bless and raise our beloved Sheikh Sheikh Nazim Al-Haqqani endlessly and his family and murids and keep us all on the path of Sunnah and Quran and try and follow his teachings.



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