As Salaam Alaikum & Rajab Mubarek to All
Jazakhallah to everyone that came to our beautiful Zikr last night and it was very nice to Daniel - after almost a year? Daniel you must try and come at least once in the month?
Happy birthday again to brother Nadeem! Mashallah we had so many cakes we couldn't eat them! Jazakallah to Rahil and Aunties for providing the delicious food again - you spoil us really - we're supposed to be Sufis! :)
Month of Rajab
The Prophet said "Rajab is the month of Allah, Sha`bān is my month and Ramadān is the month of my Nation."[1]
Our beloved Sheikh and Spiritual Guide, Sultan Sheikh Nazim has said: “What rewards Allah will give his servants in his month (Rajab), no one knows."
Fasting - Endless blessings and Allah Almighty's Rewards in Rajab
Ahadith about Fasting in the Month of Rajab
The Prophet said, " The fast of the first day of Rajab is repentance for three years and the [fasting] second day is repentance for two years and the [fast of] third day is repentance for a year and then each [remaining] day is [repentance for] a month."[4]
The Prophet , when he entered the month of Rajab would say, "O Allah bless us in our Rajab and Sha`ban and cause us to reach Ramadan!" And on the night of Jum`ah he used to say, "This is the night of beauty and day of brightness."[2]
From Ibn `Umar that the Prophet said:
Whoever fasts the first day of Rajab it will be equivalent to the fast of one year; and whoever fasts seven days in it, the seven gates of Hell will be closed for him; and whoever fasts ten days from Rajab, a caller will call out from the sky, “Ask and you will be given!”[6]
Anas related that the Prophet said:
Rajab is a tremendous month in which Allah multiplies the good deeds. So whoever fasts a day from Rajab it is as if he fasted a year; and whoever fasts seven days of it the seven gates of Hell are closed to him; and whoever fasts eight days from it the eight gates of Paradise are opened to him; and whoever fasts ten days from it will not ask Allah something except that Allah will grant it. And whoever fasts from it fifteen days a caller will call out from heavens “Verily you have been forgiven whatever is past, so renew your good actions, for indeed your transgressions have been transformed into virtuous deeds.” And whoever does more, Allah gives to him even more. And in Rajab Allah carried Nuh in the ark and he fasted and ordered all those with him to do so. And the ark sailed with them for six months until the first ten days of Muharram...[8]
The benefits of fasting are clear above and Sultan Sheikh Nazim recommends anyone that can fast in the month of Rajab to do so what is easy for them.Following this post will detail Sufi Naqshbandi practices and are entirely optional. The story of the Saint of Rajab will also be posted Inshallah.
Salaam Alaikum
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